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Literature Text

Part 1
The Spanish Republic survives, thanks to aid given by the USSR, UK, USA, and France. General Franco meets resistance, more than he and his nationalists can bear. Thus, he is pushed into the protectorate of Morocco, and finally exiled to Libya. He planned on his return in 1944, hoping the news of the war would be a distraction. However, he is caught and found by Allied tanks, and serves the rest of life as a prisoner.

The End of World War 2 is nearing, as the US and the UK push their way into Germany from the west, as does the Soviet Union from the east. In Early 1945, Stalin and Molotov now launch what they had wanted to do since the beginning of the bloodshed. Invade Finland.
The Union begins its surprise attack, with planes bombing major cities and, most importantly, Helsinki. Ground troops and tanks pour in by the numbers, capturing the capital and others. Various camps are set in the wilderness and by remote villages. The Finnish are ill-prepared, as they never expected the Soviets to invade and attack. They simply cannot hold against the hordes of Soviet soldiers. Since places such as Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary and are weakened by the war, their people don't come to Finland's aid. The Allies add to this abandonment by turning their back on Finland as they sided with Nazi Germany, leaving them alone to fight. As a result, the USSR swiftly conquers Finland, absorbing it into the Karelo-Finnish SSR.

After Germany surrenders and the ash begins to settle, the US goes off to end the Pacific war with the nuclear bombs. However, due to political strife about the Japanese internment camps and enormous war debt, America stays out of Europe. NATO never becomes to ultimate alliance in west, staying a small union of those founding members.
Free from American influence, France falls into redness in 1947, due to the destruction of the war leaving many French turning to socialism and the French Communist Party.
Italy soon leaves the treaty as the Italian Communist party wins the majority in the 1953 election. Greece follows in this communistic wave, as the Greek rebels take control, thanks to help from Yugoslavia, Albania, and Bulgaria.
Of course, most west European countries are standing against this socialist spread. Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, and, most importantly, Britain and Ireland.

Part 2
The Troubles rage on. The hatred between Catholics and Protestants is still there. Events such as Birmingham, Kingsmill, Monaghan and Dublin fan the flames and make them even more bitterly divided. For the people of Northern Ireland, there is no end in sight.

In 1981, a growing support for the IRA grows rapidly in the republic. The UVF furthers this, as they, the UDA and the Shankill Butchers relentlessly continue their killing and torture. The democratic socialist party, Sinn Féin, wins the majority of the 1983 election, bringing Ireland into the centre-left. Because of the attacks by the UVF and the overwhelming support for the IRA, Irish youth shift hard left. Ireland then follows the likes of Italy and France, becoming the new Workers' Republic of Ireland. (Poblacht Oibrithe na hÉireann)

Upon hearing the news of this new communist government, Britain goes into extreme opposition. The British may have hated Ireland before, but now it goes further. News channels openly display hatred to their western neighbor. Citizens of Irish descent are mercilessly discriminated and attacked (this also furthers the support for the IRA in the WROI.) Families push their sons to join the RUC or the British army. In some places, people take a hardline stance with Protestantism. Anything to distant themselves from that "disgusting, awful hellhole."

Margaret Thatcher and her administration use this to their advantage. The BBC, due to being govt funded, begins to promote ideas such as anti communism, and British pride, and nationalism. Hosts often talk about how Britain and her native people are practically unmatched in fields like education, science, and military prowess, along with how terrible communism is and the countries who practice it. Public schools' curriculum, especially in history lessons, glorify the UK. To some extent, they gloss over the crimes done by the British Empire. The treatment of the Irish under the crown is left out entirely.

This continues until the fateful date of 27 October, 1986. Thatcher's "Big Bang" in London leads to economic disaster. Stocks drop tremendously and so does the pound sterling. This event, now known at the British Depression, gives way to an armed communist militia (now called the Old British People's Army) launching a coup d'etat against the Thatcher administration. Helped with the chaos that Britain had both previously and then, they successfully take control of the government and rename the country to the Anglo-Socialist Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For brief while, the Union flag had the Irish cross of Northern Ireland. However, the new British government (under marshal law to curb disorder) realized that if they wanted to return to civilian government and regain stability, they need to give up the fight in Ulster.

On 12 June, 1989, the treaty of Belfast between Ireland and Britain had been signed. British troops began to pull out, and the red, white, and blue flag was brought down. Ireland has finally been reunited. One problem stands, however. Hatred.

Part 3
While Catholics celebrated, Protestants were outraged.
Civilians who identified as British are in dismay, hopelessly wondering why their country just gave up on them. Veterans of the RUC are fuming, as they put their life on the line to keep Ulster British. The same thought goes to members of the UVF and the branching militias. A small number are scared, thinking that the Irish government will begin to oppress them, and forbid them to practice their religion. Thanks to this paranoia and anger, the UVF has a extremely short boost of popularity.

The government catches wind of this, and the President releases public statements. First to the Protestants, he says that they will be treated equally under the law, and they will not be outlawed from practicing Protestantism. To the Catholics, he asks them all to follow what he said, treat the Protestants as fellow countrymen. This begins the process known as Ulster's Rehabilitation, where communities where rebuilt, barriers between Catholics and Protestants were taken down, and Northern Ireland was mended into the republic as best as it could be.

The easiest act was passed first, banning the paramilitaries. Irish police were sent out to "high risk areas" to arrest anyone who was tied with it. Since the IRA's goal was fulfilled, they disbanded, and some former members joined the police force. This helped greatly, as they knew exactly where to look and how to spot one. Several people were arrested, and some houses were foreclosed, as they were UVF bases. The government put up flyers and posters in those areas, explaining why the UVF was horrible, and should not be supported. While this was a risky move, luckily the support for the militia died down. The UVF and its side groups went even more underground, and some branched off into countries like Canada, the United States, and Australia.

The second stage of Rehabilitation was the hardest, as some believe the process is still going through to this day. Inspired by Josip Broz and his Yugoslavia, the WROI begins its promotion of their own form of "brotherhood and unity." (Bráithreachas agus aontacht)
Schools began to put in the that mindset with their courses, especially in history and civics. While it does mention the treatment of the Irish by the crown along with the atrocities on both sides of the troubles, lectures make sure to push forth the thought of "but the people todAy are not them." They never exactly refer to the IRA and the UVF as Irish and British respectively, trying to put a gap between those two subjects. Youth groups like boy and girl scouts have a good mix between southern and northern irish, and, once again, promoted comradeship and cooperation with all children. Numerous propaganda posters showing the Protestants and Catholics as equals pop in major cities all throughout.
Of course, this stage had it blunders. There was a poster named "Children of Eire" that depicted a southern Irish boy with an English protestant girl together under the tricolor.
The problem with it was that the boy was drawn in an IRA parade uniform. This sparked anger within the protestant community, furious on how it showed the symbols of the people that had terrorized and killed so many of their people. It lead to a major conspiracy theory that the WROI government was pro-IRA. Even after the government apologized and removed the poster, some still believe in this theory.

The UVF still has a small foothold in northern Ireland. Their support mostly runs in small towns, thus they operate there, despite the state's numerous crackdowns. In 1993 there was a terrorist attack in the city of Cork. 2 time bombs exploded near a school, killing 3 teenagers and injuring 10. The "official UVF" based in the United States, claimed responsibility immediately. Two men were arrested, after surveillance caught them planting those bombs. Crackdowns became harsher, with some policemen being cruel to Protestants in the "high risk areas." While some were rightfully fired, many people have said that there are many corrupt police officers running free. This caused further friction, hindering the government's hopes of fully uniting the country.

Smaller attempts of moving on from the past were made. They go as follows:
·Washing away many murals dedicated to either paramilitary. Some were persevered for the sake of history, showing the dangers of religious and nationalistic extremism.
·Having a single license plate design. Prior to the unifcation, Northern Ireland had its own license plate. Many stories go that those with that license plate were "randomly selected" to undergo searches, even when traveling within the former United Kingdom.
·The use of the Union Jack (prior to 1986) was banned from 1988-2005, until it felt like the country had been unified enough to allow the flag to be publicly shown.

Though it may seem that the WROI is still struggling with unifying its population, its efforts have not been in vain. It is obvious that the former fiery hatred between the Protestants and Catholics had been all but extinguished, and what would've been multiple terrorist attacks were put down by the police force. For 2017, the WROI's future appears to be very, very bright.
Communism in Europe, the British Isles, and Ulster's Rehabilitation

With much help from RedAmerican1945 . Sorry for delaying it so much ^^;
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